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 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy)

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S.-Ethàn K. S. Young
S.-Ethàn K. S. Young

Rôle : Aucun, je suis un rôle moi-même wesh.
Messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 24/10/2012
Job : Aucun
Pseudo : Aleex'
Célébrité : Harry Styles.

I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) Empty
MessageSujet: I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy)   I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) EmptyMer 24 Oct - 21:58

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]Samuel-Ethàn Klein Stefan Young

qui je suis

Ici, c'est la réalité, comme vous et moi nous en doutons. Moi, je m'appelle Samuel-Ethàn Klein Stefan Young (non non pas nom à rallonge DU TOUT.) et j'ai dix-sept ans puisque je suis né(e) le 24 juin 1995. En effet, mais je suis pas né ici, à Fairview (et je suis originaire du quartier lake avenue). Qu'on soit clair, je suis célibataire. Ah j'oubliais, je suis au lycée tavu et je vis avec mes connards de parents

agressif - travailleur - indépendant - instable - rationnel - fascinant - autoritaire - astucieux - secret - têtu - humiliant - hypocrite - intelligent - rusé - sportif - efficace - de confiance - fêtard - (dragueur) - peut se servir de son coeur parfois (Merci Capu pour cette liste Razz)
derrière l'écran

pseudo / prénom : Aleex'/Louis âge : 16 ans; sur ton avatar, c'est qui ? HARRY STYLES (TROP SEXY); tu viens d'où ? de ton .. haha de France (VDM); tu penses quoi du forum ? Je sais pas trop .... HAHA IL EST TROP BOW, JE KEAF (non non je parle pas comme un kikoolol); comment tu l'as découvert ? Grâce à Peter Pan t'sais Very Happy; un dernier petit mot doux ? QUI VEUT MON CORPS ?! **

Dernière édition par S.-Ethàn K. S. Young le Sam 27 Oct - 0:34, édité 4 fois
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S.-Ethàn K. S. Young
S.-Ethàn K. S. Young

Rôle : Aucun, je suis un rôle moi-même wesh.
Messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 24/10/2012
Job : Aucun
Pseudo : Aleex'
Célébrité : Harry Styles.

I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy)   I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) EmptyMer 24 Oct - 21:58

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]Tell me your story
- Assey... commença le vieil homme, mais le jeune homme s'était déjà installé dans le sofa en face de sa chaise de bureau. Bon, commençons. Pourquoi êtes-vous venu me voir ?
- Pour faire chier mes parents. Ils aiment pas les gens dans votre genre, ils disent que vous faîtes que dire des conneries pour nous sucrer de l'argent. Je pense pareil, les psy j'en ai rien à foutre mais si je peux les faire chier je le fais.
Le psychologue soupira. Il en avait déjà vu passer des jeunes dans ce genre, et il savait très bien qu'ils venaient là pour déballer tout ce qu'ils avaient sur le coeur ne pouvant le faire autrement. Il soupira discrètement et demanda :
- J'en suis sûr qu'il y a une raison autre que celle-ci pour votre présence ici. Dites moi tout.
- Je hais cette ville et ses habitants.
La phrase avait claqué comme une barrière à toute discussion, mais le vieil homme avait vu pire et continua :
- Expliquez moi donc votre pensée.
Ethàn leva les yeux au ciel en signe d’agacement devant les questions du psychologue. Mais bon, il n'était pas venu ici pour rien, il avait besoin de parler.
- Il n'y a rien à expliquer, je supporte pas cette ville. Je m'y sens pas à ma place.
Le psychologue s'acharna, il avait en face de lui quelqu'un de fermé et de pas très bavard mais il allait lui arracher les vers du nez, c'était son boulot après tout.
- Parlez, dites moi les raisons. Ça n'est pas comme ça, parce que vous l'avez décidé. Il y a bien des choses qui vous insupportent ici, alors expliquez moi.
- Mais ça pue le bonheur, et la joie de vivre à chaque coin de rue. On dirait que tout le monde il est beau tout le monde il est gentil. Personnellement moi ça m’exaspère. On dirait que les gens ici ne connaissent pas la vraie vie. C'est pas le bonheur H24, bien au contraire. Alors moi tout cet amour, toute cette bonne humeur ça me donne la nausée.
- Mais pourquoi ? La plupart des gens aiment et recherchent le bonheur pourquoi pas vous ?
- Parce que j'ai pas connu le bonheur. Je ne le connaitrais pas. Alors voir tout ces gens autour de moi heureux, ça me donne envie de me tailler les veines vous voyez ?
- Ne dites pas ça, vos parents seraient anéantis de vous perdre.
Le jeune bouclé partit dans un rire, forcé, sans joie.
- Oula, non, bien au contraire vous voyez. C'est eux qui me donnent envie de mettre fin à mes jours. Grâce à mon adorable père, je ne connais plus la douleur.
Ethàn souleva son t-shirt, tout tremblant, retenant ses larmes de honte, tristesse et rage. Il n'avait jamais montré ces marques à personne, mais il savait que l'homme était tenu au secret professionnel. Le vieil homme ne put s'empêcher d’écarquiller les yeux quelques secondes avant de reprendre son expression neutre. Des enfants battus, il n'en avait jamais vu. Voyant le mal-aise du jeune garçon, le psychologue décida d'éviter ce sujet, il en parlerait peut-être plus tard dans les séances prochaines.
- Vous avez bien des amis ?
- Aucun.
- Comment ça se fait ?
- Je vous ai dit que j'aimais pas cette ville et ses habitants. Ca serait hypocrite d'avoir des amis que je n'aime pas nan ? Mon seul objectif est de bosser dur pour décrocher un bon job loin de cette ville et de mes parents. Le reste, peu m'importe, j'en ai vraiment rien à foutre.
- A la façon dont vous insistez sur le faite que peu vous importe, montre que quelque chose vous rattache ici.
- Je ne vois pas de quoi vous parlez.
- Je pense que si. Dites moi, vous avez rencontré quelqu'un ?
- Pas vraiment en fait. Il est venu à ma rencontre. Genre avec ses cookies et tout, le sourire et tout le tralala. Et bizarrement avec lui, ça ne m'a pas donné la nausée, au contraire j'ai trouvé ça adorable. Seulement, je ne veux pas m'attacher, je ne veux pas qu'on devienne potes. Pourtant lui s'acharne, il continue, alors je me fais de plus en plus méchant avec lui, de plus en plus dur; mais j'ai l'impression qu'il comprend pas.
- Mais pourquoi le repousser ? Qu'est-ce qui vous fait peur ?
- Lui, l'influence qu'il peut avoir sur moi. Je ne le connais pas, on s'est parlé trois fois et pourtant il arrive à me changer et je ne veux pas.
- Vous l'aimez ?
- Hahaha. C'est mon voisin, je l'ai connu il y a à peine 2 mois. Puis vous insinuez quoi ? Que je suis gay ?
- Je n'insinue rien du tout. Je veux juste vous aider à ouvrir les yeux, et à essayer de comprendre. Au vu de ce que vous me racontez, vous ressentez quelque chose envers ce garçon n'est-ce pas ?
- Que des conneries. Je savais que c'était pas une bonne idée de venir ici.
Ethàn se leva, et sortit de la pièce avant que le psychologue n'ait pu faire un quelconque geste. Ah .. Il avait touché un point sensible.

[Désolé c'est court ..]

Dernière édition par S.-Ethàn K. S. Young le Sam 27 Oct - 0:26, édité 2 fois
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Alice R. Evenbel
Alice R. Evenbel

Rôle : Alice comme Alice aux pays des merveilles :)
Messages : 86
Date d'inscription : 19/10/2012
Job : lycéenne
Pseudo : Alice
Célébrité : Chloe Moretz

I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy)   I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) EmptyMer 24 Oct - 23:01

Ah je suis la première cat
Bienvenue I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4205191834
Oh tu as le même âge que moi (oui, tu t'en fous) I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 163516685
Tu n'es pas un personnage de Disney, c'est ça?
En tout cas, Harry il gère I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2211252749
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B.-N. Peter Johnson
B.-N. Peter Johnson

Rôle : Peter Pan
Messages : 167
Date d'inscription : 11/10/2012
Job : lycéen.
Pseudo : lovely turtle.
Célébrité : louis tomlinson.

I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy)   I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) EmptyMer 24 Oct - 23:09


cat I love you I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2854224887 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3352113365 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4205929361 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 675700275 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3242198613 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1328829628 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 963305794 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 509397055 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1208087563 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1232840996 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3696304075 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3133877336 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3133877336 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3263540273 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1902256099 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2781649424 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2970661624 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2774444739 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2350145110 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2781649424 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2694943838 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1881463262 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 847004189 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 73120010 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 73120010 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 702243357 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3087562708 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1247806006 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1116103942 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1003453391 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 456023687 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 257188748 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 577704309 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 891098728 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4205191834 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3102952570 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1823773354 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3669069390 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2920038966 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 262899045 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2698908354 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1132225039 I didn't ask to be born 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didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 262899045 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2698908354 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1132225039 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2436666485 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2674662298 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4060891147 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3484979881 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2016949981 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1944190462 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3947272418 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4008851584 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1677305673 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2211252749 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3947272418 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4008851584 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4008851584 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1063477795 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1817655808 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2625669947 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2098518077 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2843672970 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1677305673 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1944190462 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 163516685 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 337664734 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2625669947 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1817655808 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1063477795 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2016949981 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4060891147 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2674662298 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2843672970 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2843672970 cat I love you I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2854224887 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3352113365 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4205929361 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 675700275 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3242198613 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1328829628 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 963305794 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 509397055 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1208087563 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1232840996 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3696304075 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3133877336 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3133877336 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3263540273 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1902256099 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2781649424 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2970661624 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2774444739 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2350145110 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2781649424 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2694943838 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1881463262 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 847004189 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 73120010 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 73120010 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 702243357 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3087562708 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1247806006 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1116103942 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1003453391 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 456023687 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 257188748 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 577704309 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 891098728 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4205191834 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3102952570 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1823773354 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3669069390 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2920038966 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 262899045 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2698908354 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1132225039 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2436666485 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2674662298 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4060891147 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3484979881 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2016949981 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1944190462 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3947272418 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4008851584 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1677305673 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2211252749 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3947272418 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4008851584 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4008851584 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1063477795 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1817655808 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2625669947 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2098518077 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2843672970 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1677305673 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1944190462 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 163516685 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 337664734 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2625669947 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1817655808 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1063477795 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2016949981 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4060891147 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2674662298 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2843672970 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2843672970 cat I love you I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2854224887 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3352113365 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4205929361 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 675700275 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3242198613 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1328829628 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 963305794 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 509397055 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1208087563 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1232840996 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3696304075 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3133877336 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3133877336 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3263540273 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1902256099 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2781649424 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2970661624 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2774444739 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2350145110 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2781649424 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2694943838 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1881463262 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 847004189 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 73120010 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 73120010 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 702243357 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3087562708 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1247806006 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1116103942 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1003453391 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 456023687 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 257188748 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 577704309 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 891098728 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4205191834 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3102952570 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1823773354 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3669069390 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2920038966 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 262899045 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2698908354 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1132225039 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2436666485 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2674662298 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4060891147 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3484979881 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2016949981 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1944190462 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3947272418 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4008851584 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1677305673 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2211252749 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3947272418 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4008851584 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4008851584 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1063477795 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1817655808 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2625669947 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2098518077 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2843672970 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1677305673 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1944190462 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 163516685 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 337664734 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2625669947 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1817655808 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1063477795 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2016949981 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4060891147 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2674662298 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2843672970 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2843672970

VOILÀ L'EFFET. I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2698908354 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2698908354 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2698908354 JOTEM TU C ? I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2854224887
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Alice R. Evenbel
Alice R. Evenbel

Rôle : Alice comme Alice aux pays des merveilles :)
Messages : 86
Date d'inscription : 19/10/2012
Job : lycéenne
Pseudo : Alice
Célébrité : Chloe Moretz

I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy)   I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) EmptyMer 24 Oct - 23:14

Il m'a fait peur avec tous ses smiley Mr. Directionner
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Ariel M. Anderson
Ariel M. Anderson

Rôle : Ariel **
Messages : 64
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2012
Age du personnage : 24
Job : serveuse.
Pseudo : midnight.rose
Célébrité : ebba zingmark.

I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy)   I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) EmptyJeu 25 Oct - 0:25


Ouais Harry il gère trop. I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 577704309

Bonne chance pour ta fiche !
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Jasmine Z. Al-Nahyan
Jasmine Z. Al-Nahyan

Rôle : Princesse Jasmine (Aladdin)
Messages : 93
Date d'inscription : 13/10/2012
Job : Lycéenne (Senior Year)
Pseudo : Sparkling•Wings
Célébrité : Victoria Justice

I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy)   I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) EmptyJeu 25 Oct - 0:53

HHHAAARREEEEEEHHHHHH I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2674662298

S.-Ethàn K. S. Young a écrit:
un dernier petit mot doux ? QUI VEUT MON CORPS ?! **
Preum's j'ai le monopole I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 262899045 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 337664734

Bienvenue parmi nous, ton avatar c'est trop de la seks bomb et ton pseudo c'est du caviar sur des blinis quoi I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3133877336 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2350145110

Sur ce bonne continuation et je crois que j'ai pas besoin de te dire que t'as l'obligation de me réserver un lien I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2537877045 I love you
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C. Willard Facilier
C. Willard Facilier

Rôle : Dr. Facilier
Messages : 82
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2012
Age du personnage : 53
Job : Sorcier Vaudou; Charlatan
Pseudo : Charloca/Charlie
Célébrité : Prince

I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy)   I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) EmptyJeu 25 Oct - 4:42

Désolé de casser le truc... J'aime pas les One Direction... No
Ok... I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3242198613 me frappez pas hein I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3087562708 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2698908354 J'ai des lunettes I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1132225039 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1063477795

Je dois dire que des cinq c'est le plus mimi Harry avec le blonde aussi I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2843672970
Le plus sexy c'est Zayne I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2211252749
Les deux autres, moyen bof... I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 43523757

Bon bref... Bienvenue quand même I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1881463262
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Phoebe C. Simmons
Phoebe C. Simmons

Rôle : La fée clochette.
Messages : 58
Date d'inscription : 17/10/2012
Job : Lycéenne ( Senior Year )
Célébrité : Ashley Benson

I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy)   I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) EmptyJeu 25 Oct - 6:14

Bienvenue I love you ton pseudo, il gère cat
Hâte d'en savoir plus sur ton personnage.
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S.-Ethàn K. S. Young
S.-Ethàn K. S. Young

Rôle : Aucun, je suis un rôle moi-même wesh.
Messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 24/10/2012
Job : Aucun
Pseudo : Aleex'
Célébrité : Harry Styles.

I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy)   I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) EmptySam 27 Oct - 0:37

MEEEEEEEEERCI ! ** I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1232840996 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1232840996
WESH LES ONE DIRECTION C'TROP COOL ! I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3133877336 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3263540273


Jasmine > Je peux pas refuser ! JUSTICE quoi ** Tu vas finir dans son lit haha !

Willard > Han mais nan ils sont tous cools ! I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3669069390 (Dans ceux que tu dis moyen, y'a mon petit chouchou Sad)
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B.-N. Peter Johnson
B.-N. Peter Johnson

Rôle : Peter Pan
Messages : 167
Date d'inscription : 11/10/2012
Job : lycéen.
Pseudo : lovely turtle.
Célébrité : louis tomlinson.

I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy)   I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) EmptySam 27 Oct - 0:50

PUTAIN C'EST PAAAAAAAAARFAAAAIT I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1944190462 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 4008851584 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 1817655808 I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 2698908354

te voilà validé(e) cat

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]Te voilà désormais habitant(e) officiel(le) de Fairview Invité !
C'est avec grand plaisir que je vais te guider dans les rues inextricables de cette petite ville; il te faudra savoir que le plus important est d'aller recenser ton [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] puis ton [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien], si tu joues un personnage de conte évidemment. Ensuite, tu pourras faire créer ton logement, faire une demande de rang, de lieu ... dans [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]. Bien évidemment, il ne faudrait pas que tu omettes de créer ta [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] et ton [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien], sinon tu risques d'avoir du mal à t'intégrer. I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) 3484979881 Puis tu voudras certainement te détendre; pour ça, [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]. ENFIN, tu pourras créer des scénarii en tout tranquillité dans cette [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien].
OH ET ; amuse-toi bien sur FTM. I love you
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C. Willard Facilier
C. Willard Facilier

Rôle : Dr. Facilier
Messages : 82
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2012
Age du personnage : 53
Job : Sorcier Vaudou; Charlatan
Pseudo : Charloca/Charlie
Célébrité : Prince

I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy)   I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) EmptySam 27 Oct - 15:43

Désolé, j'accroche pas trop avec les Boys Band x)
M'enfin je suis pas comme ces autres pas fan qui vont les critiquer ou les insulter, en plus il se pourrait que je les aime un peu plus s'ils font une chanson avec Bruno Mars mon petit chouky I love you

Donc j'évalue mes sentiments face à ces cinq jeunes hommes... Rolling Eyes What a Face

Edit: Après chacun ces goûts aussi pour moi le plus beau des cinq (enfin celui que je préfère) c'est Zayne ^^
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I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy)   I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy) Empty

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I didn't ask to be born hot (seksy)

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